We are proud to introduce the EMCup. During the past 16 years, this prestigious competition amongst the best Hotel Management Schools in Europe has evolved into a well-established event.
Participating students not only represent their school while working on academic assignments, the main focus is on making a difference with their vision and ideas. The EMCup challenges them to think out of the box about a real life topic and is the perfect possibility to meet, share visions, and build relationships with industry professionals. Ask well respected hotel management school alumni how they have been able to accomplish their success, and the majority will include ‘network’ in their answer.
Therefore, an important focus of the competition is creating networking moments, not only for students, but also for deans, coaches, and hospitality professionals. That is why the true value of the EMCup lies not in the competition itself, but around it. Each year, a large variety of companies join the EMCup Business Jury to experience the motivation and innovation of the participating students first-hand. And each year, their enthusiasm grows! Because by sharing ideas, and by feeding them with ideas and input of others, valuable business ideas are born.
“Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.”
HotelloTOP is the networking organisation for students and alumni of the (inter)national Hotel Management Schools in The Netherlands. The one thing that differentiates Hotello’s, and for which they are constantly recognized and praised, is their set of core values: The Hotello is hospitable, optimistic, energetic, socially skilled, inventive, pragmatic, ambitious and has a strong work ethic.
Mise en Place has been a leader in the hospitality sector since 1994, training and supplying short-term project staff to the top of the industry. Our projects range from sending a single person for a single shift to sending hundreds for multiple days. Our clients can be found amongst many areas of hospitality: haute cuisine restaurants, caterers, hotels, conference centers and event planners all receive attention tailored to their specific needs. Our personalized service and extensive knowledge of the hospitality industry allows our project specialists to partner with you on an equal footing. A proper preparation begins with the right people. All our staff are well trained, qualified, enthusiastic specialists in various fields within the hospitality industry. With a pool of over 5,500 employees across the world, we can comfortably handle even many of the largest international events.
We’re in the global business of connecting the best possible employers with the best possible employees in the hospitality industry. We achieve this by establishing long-lasting relationships and never putting profits before people. In doing so, we rank among the world’s leaders in international hospitality training and career development.
Part of
HSG (Hospitality Synergy Group) manages and supports a variety of international networks and events for companies and professionals that are active in the European hospitality industry. Via a variety of labels and initiatives, we continuously strive to improve and connect the industry by offering likeminded professionals the opportunity to exchange ideas, be connected, do business and share knowledge.

Alfred Eeltink

Arie van der Spek

Björn Olthof

Eric Andersen

Inge van Weert

Julie Seidel

Lucas Willi Buchda